How's your Wednesday been?
I thought that today after 'A Week of June-ness' finished on Monday, I would give you all an update on what's been happening since after my month of madness.
I'm starting to think more sensibly about what I'm eating and how much exercise I do. I know I've said this before but this time, I'm more aware of how things need to change. I've cut out snacking, I'm drinking water of juice where I can instead of fizz and I'm starting to actually consciously plan out my meals. Ok, a few times over the last two weeks I've slipped up here and there but fundamentally I want to start being healthier and feeling better in myself. As for the exercise, next weekend Matthew being the Saint he is has agreed to teach me how to swim. I've somehow managed to go until the age of 24 without being able to swim but from next weekend, hopefully that will no longer be the case! I say Matthew's a Saint for doing this because I am a very anxious person who even when she did swimming lessons at school, could never trust her arm bands to keep her afloat, so this won't be easy for him. If I'm not back here the Monday morning after, it means he drowned me through sheer frustration. I'm hoping that when I've nailed the ability to swim, I'll be able to do this as a way to keep myself fit. I love being in the water, I just don't know what the hell to do when I'm in it!
Mum is away on holiday in Yorkshire with her friend this week so I've had full rein of the house and lets just say, I'm not the perfect house-wife material just yet. I hung washing out yesterday before work and by the time I got into work, it had started pissing it down with rain so for the next 8 hours I watched the rain fall out of the window at work knowing full well the washing would be soaked when I got in and that there was nothing I could do about it! So far she's been to York and around Bridlington and she reports that the public transport is quite slow around that area. She said she would be back about dinner time on Friday but judging by the 12 hours it took to get there on Monday, I'm not sure I'll see her through the door before midnight on Friday.

As for this weekend, I don't have any plans yet but I will of course update you on Monday! Until then have a great rest of the week and weekend :)
Oh, just before I go, I wanted to quickly wish my auntie Jane a happy birthday. I've heard from the lady herself that she has had a lovely day and has been truly spoilt which she well deserves.
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