Happy International Women's Day

Hello all!

So firstly (and bang on topic) I say Happy International Women's Day!

There's no doubt women have aided in many worldwide movements and there's also no doubt at all that we wouldn't be here without them. Women are great. We can bleed for 5 days and not die, we can nurture and carry babies, and hey, if we really wanted to, we could completely overrule men and take over the world, right?

Ok, so here's the bit where I probably lose the majority of you. While I agree women should get paid the same as men (providing they do the same nature of work) and they shouldn't be molested at work or anywhere else for that matter, I believe that we are at a risk of taking this women's right's movement too far. Before you grab the pitchforks, let me explain why. The first example I use is of the change of Manchester's name to Womanchester. Even my spell check is like "huh?" Women's right's are important- just as important as a man's rights or a child's rights. But when we're getting to the point where a place name can't even go unchanged to something woman-like, it's an example of why this aggressive feminist movement has to take a look at itself and wonder if it's focusing their attentions in the right place. Manchester is a place name. Manchester was not named maliciously to spite women. It just happens to be called Man-chester. Besides, Womanchester doesn't have the same ring to it- there, I said it.

My second example is just a great example of how people today in society are getting way too self righteous. A few weeks ago, I read on what was most likely a click-bait article that a woman had complained to Tesco after taking offence to a female figure being on the trolley's safety instructions. Now, come on, whether you're a feminist or not, you have to admit that this woman in particular needed to have a good hard look at herself and re-evaluate the battles she undertakes. Her excuse for bringing this battle to the fore was because she felt that by having a stick woman on their trolley's, Tesco must have somehow thought only women were capable of pushing trolleys. She also used the hashtag #everydaysexism. Ok, hang on a minute. Let's take a step back here and put into layman's terms what her complaint was. She was offended by a stick woman. She put 2 and 2 together and made 15. She thought that Tesco intentionally put a woman on the front to be sexist. Well, let's say she got the change she wanted and a man was put on the trolley instead. Isn't that sexist against a man? But hey I guess men have no right to moan do they? This is obviously bigger than a sexism argument, it's a "everyone is now offended by everything argument" but I haven't got all day. Before you take to Twitter with your hashtag-clad crusade, just maybe think if it's really necessary.

As a woman, seeing other women getting offended over things so trivial and labeling them as sexism is to me very offensive and belittles the sexism argument. If this is the way we're going with feminism, trying to belittle and push out any reference to a man, then get me a sex change. What women need is equality, not pettiness, so how about we focus our concentration on battles that are worthwhile and will show our best qualities instead of brandishing every small thing with #everydaysexism. I believe respect is something that is earned and as a woman I know what I feel is right and fair, but I also know where to pick my battles and making a fuss over a shopping trolley or a place name is not it. It may seem like I'm on a anti-feminist/anti-woman rant- I'm not. What you believe and do is up to you, but what I do wish for is for people to be able to have the sense to pick their battles and have some common sense. Today I just picked some womany examples. While I don't wish to man-bash, Piers Morgan wasn't on TV today so that immediately made my morning!

Having said all that, there are women in my life that I have looked up to and do admire greatly. They've worked pretty damn hard to get where they are and today seems a fitting time to applaud them.

That's all from me this week, I will be back next week for more witterings! Have an awesome weekend!

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