Every day in every way I'm getting better and better

Yes I feel I am, as French philosopher Emile Coue and later the 'Some Mothers do Ave Em'  legend Frank Spencer said, getting better day by day. (adult points for the philosopher reference: 2....for using Google to find it....-2) Why? You ask, well in several ways actually. For one my driving is getting better and better and I'm finding myself feeling more confident (adult points 7). Secondly, I managed to drag my sorry ass over to the gym for an hour and a half and sweat more than a paedo in a playground. (for the gym 6 and for the joke -3 points) Last but by no means least, I have been offered a secondment at work which could potentially lead to even more adult points (10/10) and career opportunities.

(I think of adult points kind of like brownie points. The more adult my actions seem, the more points I get! Well the more I give myself. In case you think this is another of my pathetic hare-brained schemes, humour me for a second when I say that this will be like a self fulfilling prophecy; the more adult I believe I'm being, the more adult I will inevitably become. Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it!)

Now first of all, the driving. I've recently after much moping and moaning and crying (yes, crying) about the prospect of the dreaded drives, I switched it up a bit and asked for a couple of lessons a week. My friends, family and other half have even said about doing this but in typical Julie style, I stubbornly carried on suffering silently. This last week has been the first week on 2 lessons a week and boy, has my confidence improved. I'm not saying I could now do it stood on my head now or anything (well I physically couldn't anyway.....) but I'm no longer wishing my instructor had to cancel at the last minute or got sucked up by a UFO or something. My manoeuvre's are improving and I'm fretting a lot less about other cars having to be stuck behind me when my right foot decides to do the odd nervous spasm on the brake pedal or even when I humiliatingly stall at traffic lights. For next week I'll unfortunately be back to one lesson but hopfully I'll be straight back to two for the week after.

As if the driving wasn't adult enough, I managed to drag myself to the gym on a Sunday morning. I actually signed up for the gym several months ago but my visits have been less than regular with everything I've been doing lately. It's odd how my motivation has flagged recently as I found out a few weeks ago that I had lost 11kg! Shocking still when I felt no different weight-wise before being told. Anyway I'm now back cycling and cross training. You should have seen me when I first started at the gym, I must have looked like such an amateur! Getting on the bike, deciding it's too high and getting off again to adjust it only to get back on and find it's still not quite right and having to get off and adjust it again! (and the cycle continued....no pun intended) And as for the cross trainer- lets just say that my coordination at that time was.....absolute shite so I didn't last long on that at all! But after those initial clueless uncoordinated sessions, I got the hang of it and today I surpassed a few little goals I had for myself like doing 10 minutes on the cross trainer instead of just 5. Sounds stupid but it's the little things, right?

Finally, my new opportunity at work! I was called into my managers office last week and she asked if I would like to take up a secondment. A secondment, I later Googled, is sort of like temporarily taking a second job, only that you'll still be employed at your current job as well. This means that you have the flexibility and freedom to dip your toes and try or train in something new within the same company while having the security of your existing job. The secondment in my case is to train and become a sort of ambassador for the recent software the hospital has had live since September. The trust is struggling to get the best results from the software and need a team of people to train and become competent in the software and come back and filter training out to everyone else. I wasn't given a huge amount of time to think about it (til the end of the day no less) but I decided to take up the opportunity. I start initial training on Wednesday and then follow that up with 6 months working with the software. I decided to take the secondment for several reasons; I figured it'd be a great opportunity to build some skills and try something new in a different field (great for the CV), I'd be getting a payrise and it'll open up a few doors for me in terms of my future career, whether it be in the trust or elsewhere.

So, that's all for now. Next weekend I'm in Abingdon spending the Bank Holiday weekend with my sweetest potato but fear not, I will be back before then to update on the training and my progress (if any) with the gym. Bye bye all!!

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