Mulie Are Going To See The Foo Fighters

Evening all,

I thought I'd do a quick catch up for you as I have lots to do for tomorrow!

This weekend I was at Matthew's as his dog Tilly has recently had an operation (to have all her lady bits scooped out) and had a post -op appointment at the vets at the weekend meaning that he had to stay over in his neck of the woods.

But before I even got to Matthew's, Friday proved a big day! Firstly it was Jasmine's work birthday (her real one was on Saturday) and I had already planted a unicorn balloon for her to walk in to when she got to work. She loved the balloon thankfully and I felt some accomplishment. However, the work wasn't over yet as on Friday at 9am, Foo Fighters tickets went live so, as you can imagine me and Matthew were wired. I was originally going to buy tickets on the sly but he eventually found out and after him nagging me over missing the pre-sale, we settled on attacking the problem of ticket acquisition as a team.

I had every tab open on every internet browser available on my work computer. I'd arranged to get in early especially for this. Foo Fighters are one of the biggest rock bands in the world so a miracle and some team work was definitely going to be needed. The most plugged ticket site was Ticket Master so we both had that open as well as Amazon, Live Nation and Gigs and Tours. As the time got nearer, we were both feeling the nerves. I was hoping we'd get tickets so I wouldn't be forever blamed for missing the pre-sale and therefore missing the concert, and he was nervous as this was another band on his list to see live. I also of course like the Foo too, but it was the fear of failure that was at the forefront of my mind.

I decided to go to Ticket Master initially and waited eagerly for the final countdown. This was it! 10....9....8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...GO GO GO!!! Wait! *Loading screen*, GO GO GO *pick your tickets*, waaaaait!! *annoying never ending verification* wait.....

*loading screen*.....

While this was all happening Matthew was spamming me with messages. I was getting stressed out. Ticket Master had crashed and burned before me. Matthew was spamming me again. As I'd just had enough, I begrudgingly looked over at my phone hoping that maybe if I didn't watch it, the loading would stop and the tickets would come up.

"We've got this!" Not quite believing my eyes, I went back to Ticket Master and then told Matthew how rubbish it was

 "I've already got them!"

WHAT?! It was only then I realised.....

WE WERE GOING TO SEE FOO FIGHTERS. Despite all odds, Amazon eventually held out for Matthew and he was able to get tickets while other sites were straining under the demand.

The Foo Fighters accurately depicting our faces on Friday morning

So, team work prevailed as did Amazon and on June 22nd next year, we're going to see the biggest rock band in the world! Not bad for a Friday morning's work. After the shock and excitement of getting the tickets, I found myself having to get over the whole hype of the morning. It was almost an anticlimax as I'd geared myself up for more of a battle to get these tickets. It was a shame to get back to work after that, but Jasmine had baked rocky roads and cupcakes for her work birthday so I had a rocky road as a reward for the morning's efforts (not that it was actually me).

As for the rest of the weekend, me and Matthew went to Ikea and went shopping in Reading's Oracle. He managed to get an electric wheelchair again courtesy of Shop-mobility so he was a happy bunny there. Despite his happiness, it was safe say that he got a bit too cocky at times, cutting corners and speeding about. In fact one such corner left me almost dead from laughing so much. He'd made me laugh no end throughout our shopping trip by ramping up the speed as soon as he saw a shop he wanted to go in, leaving me running after him. But it was in John Lewis that he made me laugh the most. Most of you will be familiar with this department store and will know how expensive some of the products are. We were both exploring the television and tech part of the store when the side splitting event occurred. Matthew wants a new TV and the one he'd been eyeing up for ages was around the next corner so he made a bee-line for it.


In his haste to get to this jaw-dropping, amazeballs TV he managed to clip the corner making his leg come off the chair and in doing so, making the whole display move a few inches backwards. Initially my heart was in my mouth, oh my god! Please don't make this TV fall over! Thankfully, nothing broke but the whole event left me bent over double laughing, and left and him rather red faced proclaiming "that didn't happen!" Well Matthew, yes it bloody did and it was brilliant. He loves riding around in those electric scooters and I love witnessing him in them. Every U turn, every cock-eyed reversing maneuver, every speeding spurt and indeed, every hilarious near miss is a joy to witness....well, because I know I'm behind him, not in front of him haha!!   

Tomorrow night, me and Matthew will be in London watching The Birthday Massacre at the O2 Institute Islington. On Wednesday we will be exploring London's Tate Modern before coming back home so I won't be blogging until Thursday I'm afraid, but I will of course be coming back with pictures and stories of Mulie's latest exploits. Until then, have a great week!

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