I'm back...doing something different

Hello all!

So it's been a while I know but I'm back and I'm thinking of trying something new with the blog to mix it up a bit. Doing different articles for every weekday...eg: weekend round up on Mondays, reviews on Tuesdays etc. What do you think?

Basically I've been watching a lot of Youtube and have been inspired by many a vlogger. Yes I know this isn't a vlog but it made me think about finally breaking my blog silence and actually getting going with the writing career I really want. I want to be creative again- something my current job doesn't really allow me to do. I want to write again; blow the dust of the keyboard and truly put my writing cap on again. As for the Youtuber's I've been watching- they're all fantastic, creative motivated individuals who started at nothing and are now earning millions (of pounds and followers) and are travelling the world having the best time of their lives....

Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart and Mamrie Hart are all loving life with multiple projects on the go and best of all they all have a say in what they do and who they work with- true creative freedom. That's something I'd really love.
Rhett and Link of 'Good Mythical Morning' are a hilarious duo who get to play out their own idiosyncrasies every day whether it be blind taste testing chicken nuggets and burgers and guessing where it came from, playing the 'will it' game with a whole host of....exotic ingredients (they have multiple 'will it' videos...."will it ice-cream" for example where they successfully gleamed that peanut butter makes for great ice-cream!) or just setting each other crazy challenges like who can get out of a straight jacket the fastest. While all this sounds silly, they do have a serious hard working side and this comes through in their podcast, Ear Biscuits. When you watch these guys you get a real sense they have struck gold with their career choice.
I decided after many a day sat at my desk doing my work with these fun loving Youtuber's playing in my headphones in the background that I should really start buckling down if this is really what I want. So I thought I could start with the blog and then possibly go onto vlogging if that goes well. I need a challenge, I need to be creative again and I need to start doing something I really enjoy.

With that lets begin. I thought today could be an initial catch up. In the months I've been away I've managed to actually achieve something relatively big....well in terms of adulting (remember adult points in my blog from months ago? Well a full 10 here!) I finally passed my driving test, bought a car and I am now just starting to get comfy with the concept of being in sole responsibility of a 1.2 litre beast. Ok ok, she's not a beast as such but she's my little red nugget of cuteness....Kiki. It still feels like a fluke to be honest, I never thought I would pass but hey I'm here now and while I spent a little while scared of actually driving her, I am finally starting to believe I can do it and I'm taking the bull by the horns. I may also be encouraged slightly by my 98% driver rating too.....DON'T HATE ME COS YOU AIN'T ME!

With my new found independence I've taken mum out for day trips and have driven alone up to my boyfriend's. Every journey still ends with a silent sigh of relief and a "....Well nobody died!" but my confidence is growing with every person that successfully survives a trip with me and Kiki.

Along with Kiki there have been more smatterings of adult-ness in my life. For example setting regular amounts to go into a savings account, and finding another interest and buying books in the same vein.
What is this interest you ask? Well to put it bluntly.....death. Wait,come back! I'm not a murdering psycho now but I've become really interested in anatomy and pathology and the processes and attitudes we have with death and I suppose I have my current job to thank a little for that. Reading about health conditions (as well as Googling a shit ton of them) has peaked my interest and tapped into a morbid interest that I suppose must have always been there but I'd never payed attention to until now. I've never been very squeamish about blood, guts and gore- I once watched Human Centipede while eating my lunch. Wouldn't really recommend those films but I was interested and wanted to see what the fuss was about....
Having said this, I myself have a challenging attitude to death- it both scares me and fascinates me in equal measures. After I lost my dad suddenly at 15 the thought that someone can die at the click of a finger really scared me as I didn't want to go the same way. However 9 years on I am now more curious than scared as to what happens after the harsh reality of death. This has led me to following pathologists and morticians both on Instagram and Youtube (another Youtuber!) It isn't all skeletons at dawn, especially after listening to Caitlin Doughty on her Youtube channel "Ask a Mortician". She is the founder of the Order of the Good Death. Basically, she has made it her mission to challenge and explore the various attitudes and cultures that exist around death and is out to prove that while death is something that is an inevitability, it should and could well encompass more of our own choices and individual wishes. Fair deal right? We don't get a choice on being born but we should have the choice on how we want to die and how our lives are commemorated. While I have Caitlin's book "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" as well as keeping up with her web series, I am currently half way through Carla Valentine's book (Carla Valentine trained for years as an anatomical pathology technician), "Past Mortems". The title is relatively self explanatory and I have loved it so far. From the morbid reality of working in a mortuary to the formalities behind the industry itself, I've learnt so much already. Knowledge is power right? Needless to say I really recommend reading more and exploring this fascinating subject if that's your thing.

Ok....I think I've talked the hind legs off a donkey now but before I go I think I'll set out the plans for the blog layout...

Monday- weekend round up
Tuesday: Review of some sort; film, tv show etc (requests welcome)
Wednesday: Current affairs round up
Thursday: "Weird shit I found...." Now I thought this would be an interesting one- some inspo here from Rhett and Link...?....something weird on the internet or something funky I found out that day. Snakes in hats? Dogs with little booties on? You name it, this section is where it'll be!
Friday: Free time Friday. To be honest I haven't thought of another thing for Friday but I thought if I got any requests I could do these on Fridays or if I wanted to just talk about something/recommend something. Who knows!

Hope you've enjoyed reading and more so I hope to see y'all back soon! So until Monday folks, have a good weekend!

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