Evening all!
This post may seem very familiar. Well, it is. I posted a top 10
gift giving tips list back in the summer and I thought as it is getting nearer
a nearer to Christmas (12 days and counting!) I would brush the dust off an old
post, write some more life into it and throw it back out to you all for your
So, whether you're in a complete Christmas gift panic, or you're
just after some last minute inspiration then look no further. Here is my top 15 gift giving tips for Christmas....
1. Money isn’t everything
Some of the best gifts come from the
smallest of budgets. It’s the thought that counts, besides it’s not the done
thing to tell someone how much their gift was so if you manage to get the gift
at a lower price, who’s to know?
2. Who are you
buying for?
If you have the time available, do
your research! Generic gifts are ten a penny but what does your person really
like? What are their hobbies? There are so many places that can add the
personal touch to your gift (like the website Not on the High Street) so why not
research and find out if there is a personalised alternative? Yes, it may take
longer to get but it’ll be worth it to give a gift that has that personal touch
to it. Do you have a running personal joke between you? Keeping it unique and
personal guarantees a great present every time.
3. Get creative!
From the wrapping paper to the gift
itself, consider DIY’ing for a cheaper and more personal alternative. The DIY
trend is sweeping the internet right now with apps like Pinterest offering
you a world of DIY discovery and ideas so why not give it a go for the ultimate
personalised gift. Ok, so you may not be a dab hand at making things,
but be brave, give it a go and you never know, you may just surprise yourself
and make the best version of that gift ever made and it shows you put the time
and effort into making something just for them. If you do however end up making
cocking it up then hey, you’ve invented something new! You’re an inventor, it’s
a brave new world for you. One small step for you, one giant leap for your gift
giving possibilities!
4. A big occasion? Think unique.
We’ve all been there, getting asked
to a birthday party with dozens of guests, only to find out to everyone’s
horror that you’ve all bought the same thing! It doesn’t have to be this way,
thinking unique can get you out of this present nightmare. This kind of links
with the second tip, but do something different. Don’t be afraid to think
outside the realms of possibility. If you know they like one thing but there’s
something similar they haven’t tried yet and you think they might like it, go
for it! You never know it may be just what they were thinking of trying next.
Offering something new to a friend and saying ‘have you tried this yet? As you
already like X, I thought you might like this as well’ says that you’ve really
thought about your gift and not just that, but that you’ve thought about them
too and that’ll get you extra brownie points!
5. A little goes a long way.
Don’t get your knickers in a twist
about how many presents to buy or how big they are (unless you’re buying for
Dudley Dursley in which case you’ve got to have a word with yourself) Contrary
to what most say, size isn’t everything (c’mon guys, out of the gutter!) and
something which may seem small and insignificant could get the biggest and best
reaction. Keeping it personal and sentimental is key here, you want to make
them smile after all! So many people say that socks are a rubbish gift, but if
you see a silly pair of socks with their favourite animated character all over
them, get the socks! They may end up wearing them every day and never taking
them off ever! In which case, you’ve done your gift giving job well.
6. Look out for offers
This links a little with my first
tip, but keep your eyes peeled for deals! Whether it’s a spa weekend on wowcher or
a special limited offer on a website, it’s still a gift they’ll love, just at a
more convenient price for you! Sites like Wowcher and Groupon will
also have loads of bundle offers and extra perks thrown in, giving the gift
more of the wow factor so don’t be afraid to shop around for that perfect gift.
7. Forward thinking.
Now this can be used for many aspects
of the gift buying process such as budgeting and time keeping, but it can also
be handy to think about what the future holds for this person and your
relationship with them. Are you planning to go on holiday with them in a few
weeks? Are they hoping to make that big career move? Think about the long term
as well as the short term. Try to get one step ahead of them and get them
something they may not have even known they needed or even something they never
knew existed! (trust me, I’ve done this so many times. The amount of times
someone has said “where did you even get this?!”) This really affirms your
relationship with that person and it implies that you support that person in
their future endeavours.
8. Don’t panic buy!
Give yourself time to really think
about your gift and allow for some last-minute changes. Trust me, your gift
plans can change so suddenly; they could change their mind on something or you
may even change your mind after seeing another gift idea that’s a million times
better than the one you just bought. Either way, give yourself time to allow
for this. Regret is tough and present regret is even worse, especially if
someone else gets that person the better gift you were thinking of! You’ll kick
yourself and even worse still you’ll secretly hold a deep-rooted hatred for
that person for beating you to the better gift.
9. Share the gift giving.
If there is a group of you then
sharing the gift searching and buying could be the best thing for you,
especially if you’re all struggling for ideas and money. They say a problem
shared is a problem halved and the more of you there are, the more scope you have
for your present. If you all chip in, then that big show-stopping present is
more within reach. Set up a group chat on Facebook or WhatsApp so you can all
share links of ideas and keep each other in the loop.
10. Write yourself a list!
Lists are everything. Lists are life.
Whether it’s on paper or on your phone, having a list or a brainstorm of ideas
can really help you clarify your search and allow you to focus on what’s more
important. It can also be a life saver if you have lots of gifts to buy for
many different people as you can tick them off as you go so you know what you
still need to get and where to get it from. From a person who’s constantly
forgetting things and trying to do a million things at once, letting it all go
onto a piece of paper gives me some clarity.
11. Think smart
There are so many 3 for 2 promotions
and other Christmas deals out there right now so have a look at the range and
if you can and try to find a gift for more than one person on your list in one
transaction. The saying is “kill 2 birds with one stone” and if you think it
through, you can get 3 people’s gifts for the price of 2. Shh, though. You don’t
want the label of cheap-skate now!
12. Consider recycling gifts
We all have that bath set or
deodorant set still sat there in the cupboards gathering dust so how about
gifting it to someone who you know will love it and use it the way it deserves?
This may strike you as a cheap-skate thing to do, but if you know that they’ll
love the gift and you end up saving money then it’s all for the best, right?
Besides, in my opinion, I think it shows you’ve thought about them more. You’re
not just thinking of them in a panic in the middle of a heaving shopping
centre, you’re thinking of them while pottering about the house. If you still
feel bad for re-gifting just think, wrap it up right and they’ll never know!
13. Give them an experience
If you can’t find anything in the
shops and the online shopping world still isn’t inspiring you, then look at
getting them something completely different- get them an experience. From photoshoots
to driving experiences and even zorbing, there are so many experiences out
there for those who are hard to buy for, and even those people for who a bath
set would just not suffice. Virgin, Buy a Gift and Red Letter Days are among
some of the companies that offer a variety of great experience days and
vouchers for anyone and everyone so go and check them out. Another bonus for
this gift is that while you buy them the experience, they can decide when they
want to redeem their experience. A great gift and greater flexibility- perfect!
14. Don’t get caught out with the prices
While the whole of the High Street is
buzzing with Christmas deals be careful not to get too caught up in the
festivities and buy something at a bigger price. Something may seem an amazing
deal but shop around. You may find it cheaper elsewhere, or even in nicer
wrapping or in a bigger quantity. With many shops selling the same thing
nowadays (e.g: Boots and Superdrug) it is easy to let brand loyalty or flashy
deals reel you in, but don’t get blinkered!
15. Cashback is King
You may not have thought about the
prospect of getting your cash back for shopping. After all, if someone said you
could get some of your money back for spending your money, you probably wouldn’t
believe, them but cashback is a thing. TopCashback is one of the main sites
where you can grab special Christmas cashback deals for so many different
retailers- you’d be a fool not to consider it. It’s so simple too; click on
your chosen shop and the TopCashback site redirects you to the website where
you shop as normal. Once you’re done, TopCashback records your visit and tracks
your cashback which goes onto your account for you to redeem and spend later. It’s
not just for Christmas either, you can adopt this savvy shopping technique at
any time of the year, so keep an eye out for your favourite brands. You can buy
all your favourites and get money in your pocket in the process! If that’s not
an excuse to start shopping, then I don’t know what is!
So there you have it, a list of gift giving tips that will see you through the frantic festive season! Happy shopping guys!
I'll see you all back here next week, but for now that's all from me. Have a great weekend!
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