April: The Review

Hello again everyone!
I hoped you all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend and that you didn't have too much of a struggle getting up today for work.
Now as Tuesday is review day and April is now over, I thought I'd have a look back over the past few weeks as they've felt jam packed for me and has also been a month of confidence building too in terms of my driving.
The first weekend of April was spent with my best friend, Jade. It was her birthday the weekend before and this was our weekend 'out on the town' celebrating another year being alive by getting tipsy.....or as it turned out, absolutely trolleyed! I met Jade's wonderful house mates and their manajery of animals and started off a night of cocktails at their house rather too zealously with red wine. As I'd not drunk in quite some time you can imagine the night that ensued. Highlights include: trying to 'get low' with T-Pain and falling flat on my arse on the dance floor, walking in a zig zag home with chicken nuggets in hand and missing Jade's house completely and talking to one of their cats in the bathroom while on the loo. I'm fucking hilarious ok.
As you can imagine, the hangover wasn't great. Having to get the train home when you're head and stomach feel like their having an out of body experience of their very own is not to be desired. But while I was feeling hungry and sick simultaneously and being given 0 sympathy from the boyfriend (and quite rightly so I suppose) I did enjoy having the hilarious (and slightly embarassing) flashbacks from the night before.
Moving a couple of weeks ahead now and it's the second bank holiday of the year and one that felt like it was never coming: Easter! A time for friends, family and chocolate! I know I know, the diet but I thought what's one egg between friends? Since it was a nice long 4 day weekend, I decided to drive to Matthew's solo for the first time. Like anything new, it was a little daunting, being 29 miles it'd be the longest journey I'd ever done alone. Despite the nerves I got the sat nav up and running and just went for it.
  I got there in one piece and surprisingly I barely needed the guidance of the sat nav- I was more intrigued by the discrepancy of the sat nav speedo and my car's. I had the radio on also which helped to keep me relaxed. It sounds pathetic I know but it was a great confidence boost for me. Knowing I'd made it on 2 dual carriageways and busy roads on my own with no major incidents while maintaining my 98% driver rating in the process. I was elated if not slightly relieved. I enjoyed the extended stay with Matthew. As we live further apart, it's slightly more awkward seeing eachother on week days as we both work too so weekends must suffice. It makes the time we do spend together even more special. Anyone in a long distance relationship must feel that. Not that 29 miles is exactly what you'd call 'long distance' but it's not just down the road either.  We went to see a band called 'Birdeatsbaby' while I was there. I'd never heard of them before I met Matthew but it was a fun night and while the music isn't what I'd personally put on the radio, I enjoyed hearing something new and as they're not mainstream, we enjoyed more of an intimate setting where I could actually touch them (if I so wished) unlike you can with the likes of Beyoncé. You'd be dragged out by your ear if you dared to touch her.
The weekend after Easter I spent primarily with mum although on the Saturday we arranged to meet Jade for lunch and a spot of shopping in Harrow. It was great to have some quality time with mum after being away a lot at Matthew's or seeing friends. Our weekends are a chance to properly catch up and our holiday to Wales will no doubt give us the same opportunity.
Whilst on the subject of shopping, I finally caved and got a blazer I'd been eyeing up for ages from River Island. It's bright yellow with cropped sleeves and it just screams summer. That's why I love it. Summer is almost here and despite the plague of freckles I get every year, I relish the thought of not having to wear a coat everywhere and being able to wear something more vibrant.
So there you have it- my April review, well more April highlights. April also marks the fresh start of my blogging so welcome all who have jumped aboard and I hope you stay and enjoy reading my witterings. I may well make monthly reviews a thing so join me later on this month for some May highlights of which I'm sure there'll be plenty. Come back tomorrow for more wittering, have a great Wednesday!
I also want to take the opportunity to wish my darling Matthew a great big huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It's his birthday tomorrow but by the time he reads this it will already be tomorrow. I'm just so damn organised!

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