Julie's News Round-Up

Evening all,

It's Wednesday so you know what that means, news round-up time! Headlines from the past few days include:

  • The death of Moor's murderer, Ian Brady
  • An Oxford student 'too good' for jail
  • President Trump facing impeachment 
  • Lib Dems promising 'second Referendum'

I'll start first off with the news of Ian Brady's death on Monday night. News that would've come as bitter-sweet for some and as a great relief to others. This was a man that killed and tortured five innocent children and died never telling the truth behind the location of one of his victims, Keith Bennett. Whether it was sadistic game to him or not is something we will never know. The family of Keith Bennett will unfortunately never find out where his body lies, and tragically, his mother passed away in 2012 without ever knowing the truth. To add insult to injury, there was speculation that
Tragic: Bennett's family will never know where he lies

Brady had written in his Will that he wanted his ashes to be scattered on the Moors. This speculation has since been quashed thankfully and his body would be under police guard until a funeral was arranged. The news of Brady's death brings to light once again the horror's that took place at those Moors in the 1960's and I think that at this time we should remember the victims and their poor family and friend's and the relatives of Keith Bennett who will have to come to terms with the fact that the location of his remains will never come to light. 

On to our next headline, the Oxford student that could avoid jail for fear it would leave her future career in tatters. I'm going to try and remain calm over this so bare with me. When I first read this headline and indeed the story attached to it, I immediately thought "who the hell does she think she is?" or words to that effect. The story in basic terms is that she stabbed her ex-boyfriend with a bread knife and is now facing being let off a harsh jail sentence due to her ambitions of becoming a surgeon; a career she would be barred from in light of a criminal record. What a load of bullshit! She committed a crime, she STABBED her ex-boyfriend....well for argument's sake lets lay it bare. She committed a crime against an innocent man and is now being pitied by a judge because she waved her University of Oxford student card in his face and just happens to be a bright student with a
Disgraceful: Oxford Student could be let off without jail sentence
promising future? I'm sorry but does that really make up for the crime she committed? I hate to pull the race and gender cards out but can we just take another step back and look at this from another perspective. Say this was a man who stabbed his ex-girlfriend. He's a promising young student who wants to become a surgeon. He's the top student in his year. Would we not as a society want him strung up? Wouldn't their be outrage at the prospect of him being let off? I don't always buy into the gender contest thing but this example cannot be ignored. It shows how attitudes against gender are still questionable to say the least. And what if this wasn't a white female? What would the judge have said then? To be honest, I couldn't give a flying fuck about her precious career! You do the crime, you do the time. That's how it has and always will work in this country and sorry if you don't like it love, but you should've thought about your high-flying career before you stabbed your ex-boyfriend in the leg. Why couldn't you just block him on Facebook or whatever people do these days? I for sure really hope this judge wakes up from whatever fantasy land he's in and give this woman the sentence she deserves. And anyway, a woman with that disposition should not be entering the medical profession in the first place!
She is due to be sentenced on 25th September

Onto matter's Presidential now as President Trump is facing possible impeachment following more suspected Russian misdemeanors. After only 117 days in office, it's safe to say Trump is not having the best time and truthfully has made a right pigs-ear of being President so far. His version of
The class clown: Trump in trouble over Russian dealings
international relations is just a shorthand guide to how to piss everyone off and get the media (and many others) to question your authority and ability to lead a country. Lets face it, he was never really in great shape to lead in the first place with victory landing in his lap due to an overwhelming personality contest; who could say the craziest shit and still win. Now with the world watching, he's unsurprisingly made another cock up. Most recently he has cosied up a little too closely with the Russians and now it appears to be biting him on the bum- what a surprise! The newest scandal has arisen amid reports that Trump tried to influence his team's dealings with Russia. Trump had a meeting with Russian officials only last Wednesday which was all amid an FBI investigation into the possible Russian influence on the 2016 US election.  This meeting also came a day after Trump dismissed Mr Comey, former FBI director, from his post. Sounding a bit suss yet? Since the US quoted Mr Comey's memo in which Trump allegedly told Comey to drop his inquiry, Trump has spoken out about being treated "unfairly". Ummm, well sorry Trump, maybe if you stopped being a parody of yourself and acted honestly and openly like a proper leader should, you wouldn't be treated so "unfairly".

And finally, onto the political scene here in the UK. You've seen it all over the news and no doubt over your Facebook feeds too- yes, they're all clued up on social media campaigning now too. That's right, it's time to vote...again. This is turning into an even more unbearable version of Britain's Got Talent, only this version is called Britain's Gotta Vote. With June 8 looming, it's time to roll out the
UK election: Lib Dem manifesto could mean Brexit round 2
manifesto's. Oh wait I've seen Labour's already.......that leak remember? "Leak" my arse! More like a publicity stunt to boost their polls. Anyway, let's not get too bogged down with 'who's voting for who', The Lib Dems have today come out with their Trump card (see it's all turning out like a twisted Charlie Brooker dystopian freak show now) That Trump card is *drum roll please* a second referendum! Now you've finished sighing, let's go on to why that is not a good idea. One, we've already got the ball rolling with Breakfast (I mean Brexit) and the nature of that ball is the inevitability of it rolling on until the crashing end of our eventual departure from Europe. We voted for that (well I didn't but you get the idea) so that's what we've got. Two, we've already ruffled too many EU feathers. It's like that annoying person making a loud phone call in the quiet zone of the train, she may finish her phone call, but she will never be forgiven in your eyes. We've told the EU we want to leave their big party, we then leave- with no party bag. And three, we would all kill each other if not physically, then verbally or even better, through Facebook in a vicious keyboard war of words. If you can't say it to their face, say it through Facebook! The amount of abuse I read online after the Brexit vote was appalling, it had created such a huge divide and brought out the worst in us. Why-oh-why would we want to do that all over again?

That's all I have time for today so it's goodnight from me! Come back tomorrow for story time! Have a great Thursday! 

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